May 11th to May 15th, 2020
- Monday
Language Log and green notebook
Open your Language Log book on page 123.
Work on exercise 1, then work on exercise 2 and answer the two questions in bottom of page
123. Remember that all questions must be answered in
your green notebook.
- Tuesday
Language Log
Translate the words in the “Personality Adjectives” squared
located in the left bottom corner of page 124. Answer exercise 1. For exercise
2 play audio number 60 (
and fill out the blanks for the song. Answer exercise 3 and exercise 4.
- Wednesday First Class
Reading Log and green notebook
Answer pages 140 and 141 which are based on the reading call
“The Herb Lady” If you have any questions about these two pages go to your
translations previously done for this reading.
- Wednesday Second Class
Period Evaluation
Green notebook and Vocabulary list for May
For this period’s evaluation students must write one page script
about their experience in this last two months.
Script must be written neat and
clean and must be sent to the teacher’s email no
later than Friday, May 15th at 8pm.
Vocabulary test
Vocabulary list for May tests and Vocabulary and Grammar Log
Study and translate the words for May 14th
test and do a sentence for each word.
- Friday
Review Day
Use this day to finish any pending schoolwork from this