Vocabulary and Grammar822-112-4407 contraseña carlos
Language Log and green notebook
Yeah, we are starting our last topic. Work on pages 150 and 151 to understand what our last topic is about. After that work on pages 152 and 153. First read and translate the warfare key words. To help you solve page 152 you must watch video title level 5 episode 9 ( We will watch video together in class). I will attach the audio #68 so you can solve page 153. To solve page 153 read and translate the Regret, Criticism and obligation in the past square located in the right bottom corner of page 153.
Reading822-112-4407 contraseña carlos
Reading log and green notebook
Work on page 171 to understand what the new readings are about. Read and Translate the key words for the first reading in page 172. Read and translate pages 173, 174, 175 and 176. I will attach audio #18 in case you want to listen to the reading.
Wednesday First Class
822-112-4407 contraseña carlos
We will play STOP in English. Hoping to practice some of the words that we learned this past year.
Wednesday Second Class
822-112-4407 contraseña carlos
822-112-4407 contraseña carlos
Some students will teach us how to dance to their favorite song. We will try to follow.